Beginners' Routine
- Relaxation position: focused breathing and neck rolls
- Knee to chest x 3 pairs
- Heel to chest (turnout) x 3 pairs
- Hamstring Looseners x 8 each leg
- Abdominal Curl Up x 8 and repeat
- Feet on the wall: Spine Curls x 8
- Side-lying: Book Openings x 4 per side
- Side-lying: Oyster / Charleston x 12 at a pace
- Sitting: Just Say No the the Walk-In Bath! x 8 lifts
- 4 Point Kneeling: Looking over the Cliff x 8
- Prone: The Dart x 8
- Relaxation Position with a soft ball under the shoulders: Curl Back and breathe x 8
- Standing on one leg - 30 seconds each
Intermediate Homework
(4 is the magic number)
- Oblique Twists + Toe Taps x 4 pairs
- Spine Curls: Both feet x 4 / Right Knee fold x 4 / Left Knee Fold x 4.
- Rock up into 4-point kneeling.
- Plank (Right leg straight, left knee 1mm off) rock forward and back x 4. Swap legs and repeat.
- Downward Facing Dog - breathe into the pose.
- Roll up.
- Toe Rise / Knee Bend x 4.
- Downward Facing Dog (Up on the toes).
- Arabesque (Right leg raised) Toes rise / heel down x 4. Swap legs and repeat.
- Kneeling Front of Thigh Stretch x 4.
- Kneeling Rotations ('Salute' arms) x 4 pairs.
- Right side Plank - Shoulder Strength x 4 . Repeat on left.
- Mini Push Ups x 4.
- Wrist Stretches.
- Seated Balance into Rocking Chair.
- Scissor Pose x 4.
- Rock back up in Scissor Pose.
- Seated Balance into Open Leg Rocker Prep (leg stretches x 4).
- Side Plank: leg lift x 4 / Front leg lift x 4. Repeat on the Left.
- Swan Variation (lying prone) x 4.
- Cat x 4.
- Hip Sways x 4.
- Seated QL Stretch.
- Standing balance challenge (Roll down, Squat, Straighten the back, Rise up to standing on the toes) x 4.
Positivity Routine
- '100' (Prep) Legs in, legs out (parallel x 4 then frogs x 4)
(3 and 5 breathing) - Single Leg Stretch x 8 pairs
- Rocking Chair x 8
- Up into Balance
- Open Leg Rocker Prep (leg stretches) x 8 pairs
- Zig Zags (in balance position) x 8 pairs
- Seated Rotations x 4 pairs
- Cross Legs Stretch x 4 pairs
- Knee Caps to Elbow Plank - Side Plank - Lateral Flexion then Toes to Elbow Plank into
- Kneeling Gluteal Stretch (R) - Rest
- Spine curl into Bridge: Single Knee Folds (elbow pads)
- 4 Point lift into Down Dog: Straight leg lift: Toes rise and lower
- Plank into Up Dog: Hold and breathe
- Kneeling Gluteal Stretch (L) - Rest
- Kneeling: Lateral Flexion + rotation Spiderman - Handstand Preps x 4. Roll Up
- Standing: Single leg demi-plies (knee bend) x 5 each leg
- Lunge x 4 then + Rotation
- Standing Roll Down - Forwards Fold (pike) - Down Dog - 4 point into Cat into Rest
- Kneeling: Brushing Elbows - Breathe
I love my life
I am powerful
I am beautiful
I am free
I love my life
I am wonderful
I am magical
I am me